Schemaspy – create documentation for your database

SchemaSpy is generating your database to HTML documentation, including Entity Relationship diagrams. I used it for creating documentation for Flexibee database. Flexibee is accounting software and works on postgresql. I recommend follow instruction and tutorial.

I describe steps for Windows 7.

Download Java 8.

Download Graphviz

Add the folder containing Graphviz’s dot.exe application to your system PATH variable, eg.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin

SchemaSpy is just a single executable jar-file (schemaspy-[version].jar), you can download releases from or the github releases page

Download Postgre jdbc

Download a GUI for SchemaSpy

I put all together for better illustration.

Execute schemaSpyGUI.bat

If it doesn’t fit you, there are alternatives:

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